When I wanted to login my web bank service written in Java, it could not display information as well as it could with M$-based OS.
Even I've installed JRE/JDK, Mozilla Firefox still couldn't show Java pages functionally.
Fortunately, I used the well-known package management software "synaptic package manager" to search all SunMicro-related packages and found a package named "sun-java6-plugin".
The following is the information provided by "Synaptic package manager"
The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6
Java Plug-in enables applets written to the Java Platform 6
specification to be run in Mozilla and other web browsers.
Java Plug-in comes with the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
This is a metapackage containing dependencies for running Java in
various browsers.
After installed this package, Mozilla Firefox started to work well.
How awesome it is !!!!